CLIMATE CHANGE – Facts And Solutions


Combating Climate Change:– 10 Ideas and Solutions To Combat Climate Change and Create New Jobs

In 1995 the “OU asked a maths question:– Based on the volume of ice mass at the North Pole and South Pole… What would be the rise in sea level if the ice melted… Answer circa 60 metres

TODAY: We take life for granted, we take air, gas, water and oil resources for granted.


CLIMATE CHANGE FACTS FOR KIDS: People are always telling us facts about what is causing Climate Change. What we need is action:- 1.Drive Smaller Cars 2.Government MPs should work together. 3.Build Into The Sea.

CLIMATE CHANGE SOLUTIONS AS A STUDENT:– OUR World now needs good Engineers. Engineers with a vision… Over the last few decades World leaders, governments & MPs just talk & argue, now we need action to save our planet.


Climate Change Solutions Facts – Ideas – Fight Back

Climate Change Facts for Kids:

  • 1.Why do we burn GAS to make Electricity
  • 2.Why do we use plastic trays for Fish & Chips
  • 3.Why do we produce so much “Single Use Plastic”
  • 4.Why do manufacturing companies waste so much money
  • 5.Why do automotive companies design Over Engineered SUVs
  • 6.Why do Printer Companies make thousands of inks for 6 colours

Now the Earth cannot cope with it…

TOMORROW: We have to start thinking about “sustainability” – Sustainability of our resources…


Climate Change Solutions As A Student:

Climate Change Facts and Waste
  • 1.Make less “Single-Use-Plastic
  • 2.Wrap Fish & Chips in recycled paper
  • 3.Burn Gas is for heating – NOT Power Generation
  • 4.Make Trays and Boxes out of cardboard and bamboo
  • 5.Design & Build Wind Power to generate clean electricity
  • 6.Design & Build Wave Power and to protect our coast line
  • 7.Design & Build Solar Power on the top or side of buildings
  • 8.In Industry adopt “SIMPLE” Standardise & Reduce Variation
  • 9.Fishermen need to take responsibility for their fishing ropes
  • 10.Protect our coast line by “Building Out Into The Sea” (Land Reclamation)




“Are We The Last Generation To Do Nothing” – Or Are We The Generation To Do Something…

Please read the PDF articles in “CHANGE”