We Help People In Manufacturing Implement a PRO-ACTIVE Productive Maintenance Strategy. Advantages & Benefits are Improved Machine Up-time & Reduced Costs
Today too many companies are “RE-ACTIVE” to machine breakdowns so losing ££££ in lost production… TPM Maintenance is “PRO-ACTIVE” Planned machine servicing to increase production, profit, cash-in-bank.

Improvement Development:
- Root Cause – Pareto
- Develop Machine Listing
- Develop Machine History
- Develop Stock Parts Listing
- Develop Servicing Check Sheet
- Develop Housekeeping and H&S

Production Benefits:
- Reduced raw material costs
- Reduced lost production costs
- Reduced machine repair costs
- Reduced non-value scrap costs
- Reduced Health & Safety Issues
- Reduced in-visible business costs

Financial Benefits:
- Improved M/c Up-Time
- Improved Plant Productivity
- Improved Cash In Bank and Profits
- Improved On-time Customer Delivery
Services We Offer:
Implementation Of Total Planned Maintenance:
Planned Maintenance is a scheduled service visit carried out by a suitable engineer, to ensure that an item of equipment is operating correctly and to therefore reduce or avoid any unscheduled breakdown and downtime.
The process of planning the maintenance makes the tasks more efficient and reduces the effects of breakdown maintenance on the operations of the facility.
1.Simple Maintenance: we can help you plan for basic m/c maintenance
2.Planned Maintenance: we can help you plan maintenance to improve production.
3.Quality Management: we can help you write procedures, standardise m/c settings
4.Equipment Management: we can help to improve the shop-floor and plant layout
5.Reliability Engineering: we can help implement change, improve machine up-time
6.Poka-Yoke: ( Mistake-proofing ) to eliminate mistakes in the manufacturing process
7.TRAINING & H&S: along with writing procedures help with training and H&S awareness
8.5S – Sort – Set – Shine – Standardise – Sustain ( a place for everything – everything in it’s place )
9.Find out what cash could be generated from “Stuff just lying around” ( Out Of Sight – Out Of Mind )
10.Find out what cash can be generated by eliminating Non-Value down-time, rejects and lost production time
How Can We Help You? – We Could Save You Money and Improve Machine Up-time
Atherton Management Services Ltd
Please Contact Us, We Are Happy To Help:
We’ve generated for our clients between £50k and £2.0M per project
For over 30 years we’ve designed and implemented “Business Improvement” Projects.
Please Contact Us, tell us your issues – tell us how you would like to improve your business.
Please Contact Us:- UK – 07300 788 486 – or by E-Mail